
Professional politicians as well ?

Political work, should not be to raise the social status of the individual, or for personal profit; political work must be to strive for the best long-term interests of the people and welfare. Now the political parties to enhance the image and focus on the academic background of candidates, mainly to professionals. Thus, many professionals have to join political parties, non-professional capacity, a step aside. However, professional suitability as a candidate » Political parties always open door, welcome to join. However, political and professional work are two different things. Professional politicians, for what is » Serve the public » But their professional work, the same is to serve the public ah! For instance, a young person's professional identity of a lawyer, his family is to spend huge sum of money for investment in culture, identity in a prominent position. Once people become representative disabilities, with upper, middle and lower classes contact with the people, listen to their criticism, complaints and sacrifice their time and money. As a professional person, must consider this point, rather than chasing the title of head and forgot their own title for the people behind the service of social responsibility. Feel that, professionals in politics, the party can become a member of the Board, to enhance their professional knowledge of the quality of party organizations, to strengthen the community's support and confidence of the party. Yong some existing professional identity of the representative disabilities, not identify oneself with the people, probably because of their professional status, may also be because of their personality. Different times, the voters do not feel the same. The face of the unfair policies or administrative error, the voters want is brave to speak, for the people to convey feelings, dedicated representative disabilities, professional capacity or not is not important.



( 党职 )

1 - 民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹支部代主席和支部中央代表.
2 - 民主行动党沙亚南實達阿南支部顾问.
3 - 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委员会委员(2010-2012).

( 政职 )

1 - 雪兰莪州莎阿南市政厅议员.

( 社职 )
1 - 雪兰莪州吧生宾海区大寅洪氏家族会名誉主席.
2 - 雪兰莪州宾海区南安公会会员.
3 - 雪兰莪州报关行公会会员.
4 - 沙亞南MPP Zon 21 (U13) 區居民委員會主席.
5 - 沙亞南實達阿南房屋缺损委员会顾问.
6 - 沙亞南實達阿南小贩公会顾问.
7 - 中马六桂堂名誉主席.

- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会委员. ( 2010-2012 )
- 党籍被冻结三年直到2007年.
- 全国第十一届大选雪兰莪州直落拿督州议席民主行动党候选人.( 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会宣傳秘书. ( 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会副财政. ( 2003 - 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会委员. ( 2002 - 2003 )
- 民主行动党吧生区社青团署理团长. ( 2002 - 2004 )
- 民主行动党吧生区联委会秘书. ( 1998 - 2001 )
- 民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹支部财政. ( 1994 - 2004 )
- 民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹社青支团组织秘书. ( 1992 - 1994 )
- 入党成为民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹支部党员. ( 1990 )