

星洲日報 2011-03-31 11:12 首先,要恭喜反貪污委員會的“奧德賽”出擊,徹查134家公司和各地關稅局,還逮捕了兩名官員。 雖然沒有聯軍轟炸利比亞“奧德賽”行動的凌厲壯觀,但是,也算是體面了。 我的意思是,比起之前反貪會大隊人馬突襲小小的沙亞南市議員洪能吉的小小運輸公司,在小小的辦公室內進行翻箱倒柜的“抽樣檢查”,這一次的行動,真是體面多了。 洪能吉的辦公室,活像日本大地 震後的災景,其本人受驚嚇程度,恐怕也不遜於地震災民;當局恐怕要給予他受災戶的地位,協助他進行災後重建,以及提供後續的心理輔導,以期能夠擺脫災難陰影。 反貪會應該瞭解,執法行動應該符合比例原則;大人物和小人物,地位不同,心理素質不同,所以,能夠抗拒壓力的能力也不同。 大案和小案,乃至“無案”的抽樣檢查,要有輕重之分。 對付大魚,噢,大人物,一貫做法是禮數週到,客客氣氣。先打個電話問候,可否幫個忙,見個面? 如果大人物湊巧得空,請問閣下甚麼時間打完高爾夫球?幾點可以上門拜訪? 約到了時間,三兩個官員衣著端莊,笑容滿面,準時抵步;問話輕聲細語,深恐嚇到大人物身旁休息的寵物;時間一到,避免干擾大人物的午睡,再三道謝離去。 至於像是市議員這些小人物,沒有預約,沒有問候。突然之間,大隊開著卡車來到,有點像是市議會執法組前來掃蕩非法光碟店。 進入辦公室,不管三七二十一,文件要拿就拿,電腦要開就開,喜歡的就搬上卡車,不喜歡的就散落滿地。 一番風雨之後,留下幾許錯愕和氣惱。 反貪會要建立公信力,除了要多辦大案之外,也要建立一套辦案的行為準則;對大魚要雷厲風行,用拖網或魚炮都可以;對於小魚蝦蟹,就不須要動用坦克大砲,惹人非議。









國內 2011-03-29 19:04


(巴生28日訊)大馬反貪污委員會官員突然造訪莎阿南市議員洪能吉的私人辦公室,宣稱進行抽樣調查,帶走50多箱文件。反貪污委員會官員是在今早10時,抵達洪能吉位於巴生港口的船運公司展開搜查工作,直至下午5時15分才離開。 他今日接受《中國報》訪問時說,反貪會官員共帶走50多箱文件,當中包括其船運公司和行動黨巴生港口支部的帳目和發貨單。 他說,其公司總經理目前還在點算被帶走的文件,暫時無法進一步確認情況。 洪能吉也指出,官員已要求他在明日前往反貪會位於班丹再也的辦公室,但卻沒有告知是要向他錄取口供或是協助調查。 他說,他會在明日舉行的莎阿南市政廳常月會議后,才前往與反貪會官員見面。 他較早前指出,來自布城的6名反貪會官員早上前往其辦公室時,聲稱要在其辦公室內展開搜查。 他說,領隊的是一名華裔官員,對方聲稱這只是一項普通的抽樣調查(random survey),但上門的官員態度友善。 態度友善 但在他進一步追問反貪會官員是針對什么案件時,對方卻拒絕透露,僅指這是調查程序的一部份。 他說,他之前不曾聽聞有任何關於自己被投報的案件,對反貪污委員會官員上門搜查的行動也一頭霧水。 不過,他強調,他會給予全力的配合,反貪會官員也必須依據程序辦事,否則他將在事後委任律師追究。 洪能吉目前也是雪州行動黨受委州委,并是班達馬蘭支部代主席和支部中央代表。他是在2008年出任莎阿南市議員,目前也是莎阿南市政廳招標小組成員。

律师陪同往反贪会 洪能吉要知被查原因

2011/03/29 6:06:48 PM ●南洋商报

(巴生29日讯)民联莎阿南市议员洪能吉今天在律师陪同下前往位于葛京路的反贪污委员会,以了解反贪官员昨日突然前往其公司进行调查的动机,宣称不想成为“政治议程的牺牲者”。 上公司调查7小时 洪能吉今早出席莎阿南市政厅活动后,便驱车前往反贪会,并在律师卡纳巴迪和张菲倩陪同下会见反贪会官员。 他通过电话向《南洋商报》说,6名布城反贪会官员昨天突然前往他位于巴生港口的运输公司,展开长达7小时的调查工作。 “官员在上午10时抵达,至下午5时15分才离开,同时带走50余箱公司和市政厅文件助查。” 不涉政治意图愿配合 他说,反贪会官员离开时交代他前往吉隆坡葛京路反贪会了解情况,因此他今天在律师陪同下赴约。 “我要厘清反贪会官员上门调查的原因,尤其是为何选中我来做抽样调查?” 他强调,只要调查工作不涉及任何政治意图或因素,他愿意全面配合。 “如果这项调查背后有政治意图,我会坚决回拒,届时也只好通过政治手段来应对。”

反贪会:查案不针对人 按照侦察结论展开工作

2011/03/30 11:47:39 AM ●南洋商报 (布城29日讯)反贪会调查主任拿督慕斯达法阿里说,反贪污委员会并没以政党背景或个人身分来展开调查行动,而是针对该委员会所侦察的结论来展开工作。 “我们没有针对某某人采取行动,反而是基于(对打击贪污的)破坏……不是针对某某人,而是贪污破坏国家利益。” 他是针对记者提问民联莎阿南市议员洪能吉昨天受到反贪污委员会突击检查,是否与此案有关时,这么回答。 6名布城反贪会官员本周一突然上门抽样调查洪能吉位于巴生港口的运输公司文件,搜查约7小时后,带走50余箱文件助查。 慕斯达法解释,反贪污委员会是针对某某人是否触犯贪污或贿赂罪行而展开调查工作,并非是针对某政党的个人。再者,这是各执法单位的跨机构合作,并没有所谓的针对成分。 “这只是刚巧其中一人来自某政党。我们与其他机构计划了这项行动约一个月时间。 “不过,大部分受调查的业者都没有政治背景。我相信反贪会这次并非冲着莎阿南市议员职位,而是针对公司运作。”

MACC-led task force cripples syndicate siphoning billions of ringgit

By LOURDES CHARLES and ZUHRIN AZAM AHMAD newsdesk@thestar.com.my PUTRAJAYA: Billions of ringgit have been siphoned by way of tax evasion, money laundering and illegal outflow of funds here by a syndicate with tentacles in many organisations. The syndicate was finally crippled by a high-powered task force, the biggest ever assembled in the country's history and was led by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). Two senior Customs Department officers - a Datuk and his wife, both based in an east coast state - were detained to help in investigations. MACC officers seized stashes of cash amounting to hundreds of thousands of ringgit from their home. Officers of the task force, which also included representatives from Bank Negara, the Inland Revenue Board and the Attorney-General's Chambers, conducted simultaneous raids over the last 48 hours on forwarding companies and holding companies. Over 100 premises nationwide were raided. MACC investigation director Datuk Mustafar Ali (pic) said the two Customs officers were detained to assist in the investigations for offences under the Customs Act, the Income Tax Act, the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Act and the MACC Act. “Some 150 bank accounts have been frozen, including several overseas accounts that we believe are related to their illegal activities. “Our task force raided 84 forwarding agents, 25 Customs premises and a holding company and its 24 subsidiaries,” he told reporters here yesterday. Mustafar said the operation was one of the biggest joint efforts by law enforcement agencies in the country's history. He added that the raids were conducted because there was reason to believe that the organisations were involved in under-declaration of Customs duties, tax evasion, money laundering, illegal remittance of billions of fund overseas and corruption. He described the entities as a syndicate which was inter-linked. “They are linked to agencies, to departments, to individuals and to other parties such as the forwarding agents. “When goods are imported, the value is under-declared, resulting in lower duties. “So, there is complicity between the importer and the authorities, resulting in the Government losing billions of ringgit,” he said. Mustafar also revealed that the raid on the office of Selangor DAP exco member Ang Leng Kiat in Port Klang on Monday was part of the operation.

MACC raids Selangor DAP exco man’s office

Star Online Tuesday March 29, 2011 By K. ASHRAF KAMMED ashkam@thestar.com.my PORT KLANG: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) raided the office of Selangor DAP executive committee member Ang Leng Kiat and took away almost 60 boxes of documents. Ang, who appeared clueless, said: “Why is it they are checking me? I don’t know what is happening. They can take whatever they want as long as my name is clear,” he said while the MACC team was at his office here yesterday. Ang, who is also Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) councillor, said the six MACC officers arrived at about 10am at his office without any notification. Under scrutiny: Ang (second from left) looking on as MACC officers check the documents at his office in Port Klang yesterday. He said they sought permission to look into his documents and personal files. “They said they were conducting random checks on me and my company. They did not mention anything about MBSA,” said Ang, who is a businessman in the shipping industry. He stressed that he was willing to cooperate with the MACC, adding that he had nothing to hide. “As long as they are doing it nicely and professionally, then I will also be professional and let them do their work,” he said. He said that several DAP members had called him to ask about the situation. “I told them that everything is under control at the moment,” he said. Ang also said that he would be going to the MACC office today to find out the cause of the raid. A Selangor MACC spokesman denied carrying out the raid and said that it could have been done by the Putrajaya main office. Bernama reported that the MACC team left Ang’s office at about 5pm with almost 60 boxes of documents.



Merdekareview 作者/本刊记者 Mar 28, 2011 12:30:20 pm 【本刊记者撰述】反贪污委员会再搜雪州人民联盟政治人物的办公室,这次遭反贪委官员登门搜查的是民主行动党莎亚南市议员洪能吉位于巴生港口的办公室。 继雪州行政议员欧阳捍华、罗芝雅(Rodziah Ismail)、耶谷沙巴里(Yaakob Sapari)、刘天球之后,反贪委官员登门搜查洪能吉(左图)位于巴生港口的办公室。 洪能吉从事运输行业,反贪委登门搜查的是他位于巴生港口的公司办公室。 洪能吉接受《独立新闻在线》电访时表示,“没什么东西”,反贪委官员告诉他,这只是一项抽样搜查(random checking),同行都会受到同样的抽样调查,“可能是联合陆路税收局查税收”。他相信此事无关政治。 他告诉记者,反贪委官员只是取走了一些账目,“那些都是很寻常的东西”,因此他告诉反贪委官员:“我们是正当的,你就拿去吧。” 2009年7月15日,反贪委会官员搜查民主行动党行政议员欧阳捍华的办公室,并在没有任何逮捕令的情况下,要求其政治秘书赵明福前往雪州反贪委会总部接受问话,隔天,赵明福被发现陈尸五楼阳台,震惊国内外。

SPRM ambil 60 kotak dokumen ahli majlis MBSA

2011SHAH ALAM 28 Mac – Beberapa pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia SPRM hari ini mengambil sejumlah besar dokumen dari pejabat seorang ahli Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam MBSA yang juga Ahli Jawatankuasa Eksekutif DAP Ang Leng Kiat di Pelabuhan Klang Pasukan SPRM itu tiba di pejabat Ang pada kira-kira 10 pagi dan meninggalkan premis berkenaan kira-kira pukul 5 petang tadi bersama 50 hingga 60 kotak besar yang mengandungi pelbagai dokumen Ang ketika dihubungi berkata pihak SPRM tiba di pejabatnya untuk mencari dokumen tertentu tanpa memaklumkan kepada beliau dokumen apa yang dicari dan bentuk siasatan itu sama ada ia membabitkan perniagaan beliau atau DAP “Saya tidak ada masalah untuk mereka datang ke pejabat saya dan ambil dokumen apa yang mereka mahukan kami beri kerjasama ” katanya.

MACC raids Selangor DAP exco’s office

Malaysian Insider
March 28, 2011

SHAH ALAM, March 28 — Several Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers seized a wide array of documents from the office of Selangor DAP executive committee member Ang Leng Kiat, who is also Shah Alam City Council councillor in Port Klang today.

The MACC team arrived at Ang’s office at about 10am and left at about 5pm with between 50 and 60 boxes of documents.

Ang, when contacted, said the MACC officers, who came to his office unannounced did not say what documents they were looking for and whether he was being investigated on his business dealings or the DAP affairs.

“I have no problem with them coming to my office and take whatever documents they want. We co-operated with them,” he said. — Bernama

S'gor DAP exco member Ang Leng Kiat's office raided by MACC

PORT KLANG: Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers Monday raided the office of Selangor DAP executive committee member Ang Leng Kiat, who is also Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) councillor.

Ang said six MACC officers arrived around 10am at his office here without any prior notification and asked his permission to look into his documents and personal files.

"They said they were conducting random checks on me and my company. They did not mention anything about MBSA," said Ang, who is in the shipping industry.

He said he was willing to cooperate with the MACC, adding that he had nothing to hide.

"They can take whatever they want, as long as they do it nicely and professionally," he said, adding that he did not know why he was targeted.

He said other DAP members had called him to ask about the situation.

The MACC officers tooks files and issued a seizure notice when they left and asked Ang to visit their office Tuesday or whenever he was able to do so.

带走大批私人和公司文件 反贪会突检洪能吉公司

2011/03/28 6:34:12 PM ●南洋商报 (巴生28日讯)布城反贪污委员会官员今早突击检查莎阿南市议员洪能吉的公司,并准备带走大批私人和公司文件,以协助调查。 据了解,被带走的文件包括洪能吉置放在公司的莎阿南市政厅及公司文件。 官员搜查7小时 6名反贪会官员今早约10时抵达洪能吉位于巴生港口的公司,至截稿,这些官员已进行长达7小时的搜查工作。 洪能吉向媒体说,他欢迎反贪会临检,并予以配合,毕竟“清者自清”。 “不过,我希望反贪会官员专业和友善的行事,最重要的是,完成调查后,必须尽快对我和外界作出合理交待,避免引起不必要误会。” 他说,官员没有出示搜查令便展开检查,他理应可以回拒,但为了证明自己清白,全程保持合作,只希望对方专业的办事。 给予合作证明清白 他表示不肯定反贪会此举是否存有任何政治议程。 他说,他在今早接获公司职员来电,指6名反贪会官员突然上门表示要进行检查,于是从家中赶到公司了解情况。 “行动党领袖之后纷纷致电联络我,包括雪州行动党秘书欧阳捍华及全国秘书陈国伟等,并建议为我提供法律援助。” 但他指自己目前尚能应付,暂不考虑委托律师。 洪能吉已任三届莎阿南市议员,他在1990年加入行动党,曾在2004年大选代表行动党竞选直落拿督区州席,但败予马华候选人拿督余金福。


( 党职 )

1 - 民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹支部代主席和支部中央代表.
2 - 民主行动党沙亚南實達阿南支部顾问.
3 - 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委员会委员(2010-2012).

( 政职 )

1 - 雪兰莪州莎阿南市政厅议员.

( 社职 )
1 - 雪兰莪州吧生宾海区大寅洪氏家族会名誉主席.
2 - 雪兰莪州宾海区南安公会会员.
3 - 雪兰莪州报关行公会会员.
4 - 沙亞南MPP Zon 21 (U13) 區居民委員會主席.
5 - 沙亞南實達阿南房屋缺损委员会顾问.
6 - 沙亞南實達阿南小贩公会顾问.
7 - 中马六桂堂名誉主席.

- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会委员. ( 2010-2012 )
- 党籍被冻结三年直到2007年.
- 全国第十一届大选雪兰莪州直落拿督州议席民主行动党候选人.( 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会宣傳秘书. ( 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会副财政. ( 2003 - 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会委员. ( 2002 - 2003 )
- 民主行动党吧生区社青团署理团长. ( 2002 - 2004 )
- 民主行动党吧生区联委会秘书. ( 1998 - 2001 )
- 民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹支部财政. ( 1994 - 2004 )
- 民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹社青支团组织秘书. ( 1992 - 1994 )
- 入党成为民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹支部党员. ( 1990 )