
MACC raids Selangor DAP exco man’s office

Star Online Tuesday March 29, 2011 By K. ASHRAF KAMMED ashkam@thestar.com.my PORT KLANG: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) raided the office of Selangor DAP executive committee member Ang Leng Kiat and took away almost 60 boxes of documents. Ang, who appeared clueless, said: “Why is it they are checking me? I don’t know what is happening. They can take whatever they want as long as my name is clear,” he said while the MACC team was at his office here yesterday. Ang, who is also Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) councillor, said the six MACC officers arrived at about 10am at his office without any notification. Under scrutiny: Ang (second from left) looking on as MACC officers check the documents at his office in Port Klang yesterday. He said they sought permission to look into his documents and personal files. “They said they were conducting random checks on me and my company. They did not mention anything about MBSA,” said Ang, who is a businessman in the shipping industry. He stressed that he was willing to cooperate with the MACC, adding that he had nothing to hide. “As long as they are doing it nicely and professionally, then I will also be professional and let them do their work,” he said. He said that several DAP members had called him to ask about the situation. “I told them that everything is under control at the moment,” he said. Ang also said that he would be going to the MACC office today to find out the cause of the raid. A Selangor MACC spokesman denied carrying out the raid and said that it could have been done by the Putrajaya main office. Bernama reported that the MACC team left Ang’s office at about 5pm with almost 60 boxes of documents.



( 党职 )

1 - 民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹支部代主席和支部中央代表.
2 - 民主行动党沙亚南實達阿南支部顾问.
3 - 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委员会委员(2010-2012).

( 政职 )

1 - 雪兰莪州莎阿南市政厅议员.

( 社职 )
1 - 雪兰莪州吧生宾海区大寅洪氏家族会名誉主席.
2 - 雪兰莪州宾海区南安公会会员.
3 - 雪兰莪州报关行公会会员.
4 - 沙亞南MPP Zon 21 (U13) 區居民委員會主席.
5 - 沙亞南實達阿南房屋缺损委员会顾问.
6 - 沙亞南實達阿南小贩公会顾问.
7 - 中马六桂堂名誉主席.

- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会委员. ( 2010-2012 )
- 党籍被冻结三年直到2007年.
- 全国第十一届大选雪兰莪州直落拿督州议席民主行动党候选人.( 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会宣傳秘书. ( 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会副财政. ( 2003 - 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会委员. ( 2002 - 2003 )
- 民主行动党吧生区社青团署理团长. ( 2002 - 2004 )
- 民主行动党吧生区联委会秘书. ( 1998 - 2001 )
- 民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹支部财政. ( 1994 - 2004 )
- 民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹社青支团组织秘书. ( 1992 - 1994 )
- 入党成为民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹支部党员. ( 1990 )