
Shah Alam Councillors’ swearing-in ceremony on Tuesday.

Ang Leng Kiat taking her oath at the councillors’ swearing-in ceremony on Tuesday.

NST: 01/07/2008

SHAH ALAM: When others ceremoniously raised their right hand and pledged their responsibility to the Shah Alam City Council at the swearing in ceremony on Tuesday, a newly appointed councillor did not do so.

Mariam Abdul Rashid, who was the 11th councillor to take to the rostrum, raised some eyebrows and drew some smiles when she read her pledge without raising her right hand. After the ceremony, Mariam, 47, said she was not used to the situation. "I was not nervous, I just didn't think of raising my hand at that time," she said smiling. She added that there was nothing wrong in making the pledge without raising the right hand. "I think what is more important is our responsibility and the work we do for the city council," she said.

Mariam is a member of the law and appointments, licensing and urban services committees, and the property disposal board. When asked to comment on the appointment, she said it was a surprise and did not expect to be picked at all. "But it's gr eat considering only six Pas Muslimat were chosen to be councillors," she said. She is the state deputy chief of Pas Muslimat and the chief of the party's Subang division.
Shah Alam City Council councillors
1.Datuk Seri Indah Diraja Datuk Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid
2. Mohd Harris Abu Bakar
3. Izham Hashim
4. Cheong Kai Cheng
5. Adnan Jamburi
6. Norhalim Sirome
7. Sow Kim Tar @ Sow Kim Ling
8. Kamarudzaman Sanusi
9. Uthayasoorian Kalimuthu
10. Dr Daroyah Alwi
11. Mariam Abdul Rashid
12. Datin Nor'ini Md Top
13. Ang Leng Kiat
14. Tan Ah Kow @ Tan Sie Wai
15. Azli Yusof
16. Adzhar Maludin
17. Ahmad Sayutzi Bashiron
18. Vembarasan Vairakkannu
19. Muhammad Najmi Samsudin
20. Zulkefli Mohd Nani
21. Abd Manaf Yusoff
22. Pappa Raidu Veraman
23. Sivarajan Arumugam



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2 - 民主行动党沙亚南實達阿南支部顾问.
3 - 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委员会委员(2010-2012).

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1 - 雪兰莪州吧生宾海区大寅洪氏家族会名誉主席.
2 - 雪兰莪州宾海区南安公会会员.
3 - 雪兰莪州报关行公会会员.
4 - 沙亞南MPP Zon 21 (U13) 區居民委員會主席.
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6 - 沙亞南實達阿南小贩公会顾问.
7 - 中马六桂堂名誉主席.

- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会委员. ( 2010-2012 )
- 党籍被冻结三年直到2007年.
- 全国第十一届大选雪兰莪州直落拿督州议席民主行动党候选人.( 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会宣傳秘书. ( 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会副财政. ( 2003 - 2004 )
- 民主行动党雪兰莪州联委会委员. ( 2002 - 2003 )
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- 民主行动党吧生区联委会秘书. ( 1998 - 2001 )
- 民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹支部财政. ( 1994 - 2004 )
- 民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹社青支团组织秘书. ( 1992 - 1994 )
- 入党成为民主行动党吧生港口班达马兰巴刹支部党员. ( 1990 )